Website Terms & Conditions.

These terms and conditions, together with the Confidentially Speaking Privacy Policy, Standard Terms of Services and any additional terms, conditions, notices and disclaimers displayed elsewhere on the Confidentially Speaking website (Terms) govern your use of and access to the Confidentially Speaking website.

We may change all or part of the Terms at any time. If we do, the new Terms will be posted on the Confidentially Speaking website. Your subsequent and continued use of the Confidentially Speaking website will constitute your acceptance of any changes. If you object to any changes to the Terms, your only remedy is to immediately discontinue your use of the Confidentially Speaking website.

These Terms were last updated in July 2021.

Confidentially Speaking Website

While we use reasonable endeavours to ensure that the Confidentially Speaking website is available continuously, we do not make any representations or warranties that your access will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error free. Your access to the Confidentially Speaking website will be suspended without notice in the case of a system failure, maintenance or repair or any reason beyond our control.

We reserve the right to change or discontinue this Confidentially Speaking website or any part thereof at any time.

We reserve the right to change the pricing of any chargeable service or goods on the Confidentially Speaking website at any time without providing notice to you.

Your conduct

You must not:

  • use the Confidentially Speaking website in breach of any applicable laws or regulations;

  • use the Confidentially Speaking website:

    • to transmit, or authorise the transmission of, ‘junk mail,’ ‘chain letters’, unsolicited emails, instant messaging, ‘spimming’ or ‘spamming.’

    • to impersonate any person or entity;

    • to solicit money, passwords or personal information of any person;

    • to harm, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise offend others; or

    • for any unlawful purpose.

  • use the Confidentially Speaking website to upload, post, transmit or otherwise make available, any Material that:

    • is not your original work, or which in any way violates or infringes, or could reasonably be expected to violate or infringe, the intellectual property right or other right of another person;

    • contains promotes, or provides information about unlawful activities or conduct;

    • is, or could reasonably be expected to be, defamatory, obscene, offensive, threatening, abusive, pornographic, vulgar, profane, indecent or otherwise unlawful, including Material that racially or religiously vilifies, incites violence or hatred, or is likely to offend, insult or humiliate others based on race, religion, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation or any physical or mental disability;

    • exploits another person in any manner;

    • contains nudity, excessive violence, or sexual acts or references;

    • includes an image or personal information of another person or persons unless you have their consent;

    • poses or creates a privacy or security risk to any person;

    • you know or suspect, or ought reasonably to have know or suspected, to be false, misleading or deceptive;

    • contains large amounts of untargeted, unwanted or repetitive content;

    • contains restricted or password only access pages, or hidden content;

    • contains viruses, or other computer codes, files or programs designed to interrupt, limit or destroy the functionality of other computer software or hardware;

    • advertises, promotes or solicits any goods or services or commercial activities, except where expressly permitted or authorised by us; or

    • contains financial, legal, medical or other professional advice;

  • interfere with, disrupt or create an undue burden on the Confidentially Speaking website;

  • use any robot, spider or other device or process to retrieve, index or in any way reproduce, modify or circumvent the navigational structure, security or presentation of the Confidentially Speaking website;

  • use the Confidentially Speaking website with the assistance of any automated scripting tool or software;

  • frame or mirror any part of the Confidentially Speaking website without our prior authorisation;

  • use code or other devices containing any reference to the Confidentially Speaking website to direct other persons to any other web page;

  • except to the extent permitted by law, modify, adapt, sublicense, translate, sell, reverse engineer, decipher, decompile or otherwise disassemble any portion of the Confidentially Speaking website or cause any other person to do so; or

  • delete any attributions or legal or proprietary notice on the Confidentially Speaking website.

Your Material

By uploading, transmitting, posting or otherwise making available any Material via the Confidentially Speaking website, you warrant the Material does not breach the Terms.

We reserve the right, but have no obligation, to:

  • review, modify, reformat, reject or remove any Material which you upload, post, transmit or otherwise make available, or attempt to upload, post, transmit or otherwise make available, that in our opinion violates the Terms or otherwise has the potential to harm, endanger or violate the rights of any person; and

  • monitor use of the Confidentially Speaking website, and store or disclose any information we collect, including in order to investigate compliance with these Terms or for the purpose of any police investigation or government request.

We are not responsible for, and accept no liability with respect to, any Material uploaded, posted, transmitted or otherwise made available on the Confidentially Speaking website by any person other than us. For the avoidance of doubt, we will not be taken to have uploaded, posted, transmitted or otherwise made Material available on the Confidentially Speaking website simply by facilitating others to post, transmit or otherwise make Material available. We also do not endorse any opinion, advice or statement made by any person other than us.

Notifying us

If you think that the Confidentially Speaking website has been accessed or used by another user in breach of these Terms, please email us at . We will consider whether there are grounds for taking any action, but you will not necessarily be contacted as to our decision.

If you wish to send us a copyright infringement notification, you will need to identify the Materials that you believe infringe your copyright, identify each copyright protected work in which you own the rights and which you believe has been or is being infringed and include your contact information. You will need to sign the notice and send it to

Intellectual Property

You do not have any right, title or interest in or to any proprietary rights relating to the Confidentially Speaking website and any content thereon.

The Confidentially Speaking website contains Material that is protected by copyright, trade mark and other laws. Unless expressly provided otherwise you may not reproduce or display the Material on the Confidentially Speaking website. Except for the temporary copy held in your computer’s cache and a single permanent copy for your personal reference, the Material may not otherwise be used, stored, reproduced, published, altered or transmitted in any form or by any means in whole or in part without our prior written approval or where applicable, the written approval of our licensor.

In particular you may not use the Material on the Confidentially Speaking website to establish, maintain or provide, or assist in establishing, maintaining providing your own publications, Internet site or other means of distribution.

Nothing displayed on the Confidentially Speaking website should be construed as granting any right of use in relation to any logo, masthead or trademark displayed on the Confidentially Speaking website.

Third Party Websites and Activities

We may feature or display links and pointers to website operated by the third parties on the Confidentially Speaking website. Such websites do not form part of the Confidentially Speaking website and are not under our control. We do not accept any responsibility in connection with any such website. If you link to any such websites, you leave the Confidentially Speaking website entirely at your own risk.

You must not link to the Confidentially Speaking website from any other website or authorise any other person to link from a third-party website to the Confidentially Speaking website, without our prior written consent.

The Confidentially Speaking website may feature or display third party advertising. By featuring or displaying third party advertising, we do not in any way represent that we recommend or endorse the relevant advertiser, its products or services.

If you contact a third-party using functionality provided on the Confidentially Speaking website, including via email, we do not accept any responsibility for any communications or transactions between you and the relevant third-party.

From time to time we may promote, advertise, or even sponsor events, offers, competitions or other activities that may be conducted offline and may be conducted by third parties. You participate in any such activities entirely at your own risk. We do not accept any responsibility in connection with your participation in activities conducted by any third-party.

Materials of this Website

The materials on this website are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice, legal opinion or any other advice on any specific facts or circumstances. Readers should not act or refrain from acting upon this information without seeking professional advice. Transmission of information on or by use of this website is not intended to create, and receipt does not constitute, a lawyer-client relationship between the sender and receiver. Such communication will not be treated as confidential. Photographs and other graphics may be for dramatization purposes only and may include models. Likenesses do not necessarily imply current client, partnership, employee or contractor status.

No Assurances

The information on this website is subject to change without notice. Although we try to keep our website current and accurate, you should not rely on this information or its applicability to any specific circumstances without first seeking professional advice. The information on this website should in no way be taken as an indication of future developments or results. Confidentially Speaking makes no warranties, representations, or claims of any kind concerning the information available from, or the operation of, this website. Confidentially Speaking and contributing authors expressly disclaim all liability to any person in respect of the consequence of anything done or omitted to be done wholly or partly in reliance upon the use or contents of this website.

Malicious Code

Confidentially Speaking has procedures in place to check whether the operation of this website, including materials posted to it, might have been compromised by malicious code. However, we cannot guarantee that such operation is free of malicious code and we do not accept any responsibility for any damage or loss caused by any such code.

Third party information and links to other entities

This website may provide links to a variety of other Internet resources and may provide access to third-party information. However, Confidentially Speaking is not responsible for any third party content, products or services that may be accessed through this website and the availability of links on this website to such third party content, products or services should not be construed as referrals to, or endorsements of, the linked entities or the content, products or services that they make available. Confidentially Speaking will remove any link from this website upon request from the linked entity. Without our prior written consent, you may not link material on this website with another websites, or associate or frame material on this website with another webpage or materials of any other entity.

Contacting Confidentially Speaking

Persons contacting Confidentially Speaking through the Internet e-mail facility provided through this website should not send confidential, privileged or sensitive information. We will endeavour to respond to any question submitted through the website’s email facility but accept no liability for failure to do so.


We recognise that privacy and data security are important issues, and so have taken steps to safeguard the information that you may provide us through this website. Please click here to view our Privacy Policy.

Limitation of Liability

In no event shall Confidentially Speaking, its partners, officers, employees, agents, contractors or contributors to this website be liable for nay loss or injury, or nay damages, whether direct, special, indirect, punitive, incidental, exemplary, consequential, or otherwise, whether based on breach of contract, tort (including negligence), product liability or otherwise, resulting from or occasioned by your access to or use of this website.


You agree that you will not use this website for any unlawful purpose of for any purpose prohibited by these Terms. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Confidentially Speaking, its partners, officers, employees, agents, contractors or contributors from any liability, loss, claim and expense (including solicitors’ reasonable fees) related to your violation of these Terms.


If any of the Terms is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, that shall not affect: (a) the legality, validity or enforceability in that jurisdiction of any other Term or (b) the legality, validity or enforceability in other jurisdictions of that Term or any other Term.

We reserve the right to vary or amend these terms and conditions from time to time. Any changes shall take effect upon posting to this website.


This website is intended to provide a general summary only and should not be relied on as a substitute for specific advice. Confidentially Speaking complies with the Spam and Privacy Acts. If your contact details are incorrect, or you do not wish to receive any electronic or other communications from Confidentially Speaking, please contact our data administrator on